Getting Started

Downloading the pipelines

To download the pipelines, simply clone the repository:

git clone
cd metaflowmics/metaflowmics


Each pipeline work the same way. To get the available options, you can display the help using the following command (where <pipeline-name> refers to one of the 3 folders in metaflowmics/metaflowmics):

nextflow run <pipeline-name> --help

When running any of the pipelines, you will need to provide a few mandatory arguments:

  1. The path to the input reads (see corresponding section for more details)
  2. The profile defined in conf/*.config.

Choosing the pipeline parameters

Using the command line

You can change the parameters for a given pipeline by adding flags when running the pipeline. For instance, if you want to change the parameter reads, you can use the following syntax:

nextflow run Pipeline-16S --reads "/data/Hiseq01/demultiplexed/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz"

The only exception is the profile parameter that only requires a single hyphen (i.e. -profile <profile_name>)

Using the configuration file

Alternatively, you can change the parameters value directly in the .nextflow.config file located in each application folder.


Custom configuration

Alternatively, you can install all required dependencies on your machine. The specific requirements for each pipeline is specified on the corresponding documentation.

Configuration profiles

To facilitate the configuration of the pipeline, run profiles are available in the conf folder for multiple use cases:

  • The singularity and docker profile to run the pipeline locally
  • The local profile does not use the docker instance and therefore requires the machine to have all the required packages and softwares.
  • The hpc profile is set up for the slurm scheduler and uses the singularity image. This profile requires singularity to be installed on the HPCC as a module. See the Configure for a HPCC section for more information.
  • The gcp profile to run the pipelines on the Google Cloud Platform. See the Configure for Google Cloud Plateform (GCP) section for more information.

To select a given configuration, you just need to append -profile <profile_name> to the command. For custom configuration, see the Computing resources section.